Deirdre Koczur
Deirdre Koczur
Height: 5'6, Weight:110lbs
Stripped Waitress Marc Clebanoff
Breathe Natalie(Lead) Matthew Guarnaccia
The Night They Knocked(-2018) Alyssa(Supporting) PitBullShadow Productions
Grave Mysteries Justyna (Supporting) Investigation Discovery
Instinct CBS CBS
And She Was The Girl (Lead) Short Film, Dir. Annelise Lipowitz
On the Case with Paula Zahn Passenger in Car TTQ Game Productions
On the Case with Paula Zahn Sister Of victim TTQ Game Productions
Saturday Night Live Digital Short Girl at Club NBC
Sigoth Julie (Lead) Montclair State Student Film
Bruce Tango’s “The Staring Man Aunt Ruth(Featured) Independent Film, Dir. Brett Mcginnis
Two Coffees Margaret Richard Ormbsy-Student Film
Theatrical Experience___________________________________________
Punk Rock Cissy Franks Susan Kerner, Dir.
Pride and Prejudice Mary Bennet Susan Kerner, Dir.
Iv’e Got a Shovel in the Back Person 2 Collin Carter, Dir.
Stupid Fucking Bird Mash Debbie Savietz, Dir.
Anti-Bully Tour Ensemble Jim Ligon, Dir.
BFA Acting Montclair State University
Acting: Ellen Lancaster, Heather Benton, Debbie Saivetz, Tommy Shrider, Gareth Saxe
Voice and Speech: Carole Healey, John Plumpis
Movement: Heather Benton, Mercedes Murphy
Suzuki: Erin Gorski
Stage Combat: Rick Sordelet
Special Skills_______________________________________________
Real Estate Agent, Basic Gymnastics, Beginner Guitar,Bike Riding, Baking, Beginner Piano, Bar tending license, Knitting, Drivers License,
Accents/Dialects(British RP), Waitressing Experience, Swimming, Stage Combat.